Hellenic Design Centre

Area : m2


Hellenic Design Centre is a creative space for the comprehensive design support services to both private and public sector entities. We have created  a  hybrid and functional spaces  for celebrating and  encouraging the problem solving process in  harmonious blend of vibrant colors and functional design elements.  The space is designed with , all meticulously create an environment that sparks hospitality and fuels productivity.

It is  is envisioned as a dynamic fusion of industrial aesthetic and a playful mood. The ground floor is divided into three distinct zones (reception, meet up and meeting room), each of them designed to cater to different aspects of meetings. The choice of the bright yellow line on the floor works as guideline for the visitors and the same time as a separate line for the different uses. The “meet up” place is designed to be a zone that could be transform from a conference center to a workshop center. The first floor is consisting of two workplaces for the employees of the Center and a multi-sensory space that offers creativity, comfort and new sense of the office experience. In the middle of the floor was placed a custom-designed booth for video conference, with soundproofing glass, echo adsorbing felt and a comfortable seating.

Design Team : Dimitris Raidis , Eirini Bableki

Construction Implementation: KARD architects

Photographer: N.Vavdinoudis