New concept shop in Thessaloniki Greece

  • May 2017

KARD architects studio recently participated in a very interesting project; a fresh idea about an alternative lifestyle. KARD architects  was asked to contribute to a new design style which would promote  a healthier and taster  everyday lifestyle, in a contemporary and essential way.People of every age are invited to taste a large variety of healthy food, embracing a more balanced, healthier Mediterranean-based nutrition, updating their lifestyle while discovering new tastes.The innovation of the project lays on the creative combination of tastes, as an ice-cream shop meets a fresh salad shop and a fresh crepe shop meets a juice shop, offering eventually a modern space experience of street food and healthy lifestyle.

All these components are communicated in a minimal modern innovative  design, blended in the ingredients, promoting the experience of aftertaste.The main goal of the architectural concept was the configuration of a friendly, warm environment, based on low budget and smart design, aiming to the full  functionality of space.

The photos are kindly sponsored by our friends and colleagues RoofTop advertisement.(

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